Year 8 - Atmospheric Perspective Unit

( if you miss the lesson for any reason you should still complete both classwork and homework)

Lesson 1

Classwork : Students watch the ‘Perspective with Richard Stemp’ video below and complete the video questionnaire (the video is 20 minutes long). The ‘Perspective Video Questionnaire’ sheet should finally be stuck neatly in sketchbooks. Students can download the video questionnaire if they do not have a copy for any reason.

Perspective with Richard Stemp

After completing the video questionnaire students then watch the ‘Atmospheric Perspective Project Overview’ video below.

Atmospheric Perspective Project Overview

Below are two examples written work which should include describing the what is in the picture, the cloud type and also cloud characteristics. Use high quality descriptive language for each cloud picture.

Secure example (describes the cloud but not really the picture)

Secure example (describes the cloud but not really the picture)

Excellence example (describes the cloud and picture in highly detailed descriptive language)

Excellence example (describes the cloud and picture in highly detailed descriptive language)

Homework : Students collect 6 cloud picture and 6 tree pictures (without leaves) and present these neatly on two sketchbook pages as shown in the video. This year it is optional to write about the clouds as shown in the examples above and in the video. This is because students have not yet been taught about different cloud formations in Geography. Student will also need to bring in their paints and brushes for the next lesson.

Lesson 2

Classwork : Students watch the ‘Atmospheric Perspective Cloud Painting’ video below and then paint the first cloud practice painting. Remember to practice on scrap paper beforehand - most student don’t use enough water and too much black paint!

Atmospheric Perspective Cloud Painting

Homework: Complete the first cloud painting practice, stick in the sketchbook and write a written evaluation explaining the techniques you used, what went well and what can be improved in the second cloud practice painting that you will complete during the next lesson. See example below. Remember you only need to complete and write about one cloud practice painting this week.

Cloud practice work and evaluations sketchbook page

Cloud practice work and evaluations sketchbook page

Lesson 3

Classwork : Students should again watch the ‘Atmospheric Perspective Cloud Painting’ video from Lesson 5 and then paint the second cloud practice painting. Hopefully the second painting will show an improvement over the first. The two cloud practice paintings should be stuck in the sketchbook and students must write an evaluation of each painting explaining what techniques they used, went went well, and what improvements could to be made. See the good quality example below.

Homework: Complete the second cloud painting practice, stick in the sketchbook and again write a second written evaluation explaining the techniques you used, what went well and what might still need to be improved. See a completed example below.

Cloud practice work and evaluations sketchbook page

Cloud practice work and evaluations sketchbook page

Lesson 4

Classwork : Students watch the ‘Atmospheric Perspective Tree Demonstration’ video below, and then paint the first tree practice painting. There are also some good examples of tree paintings shown below as well as a ‘common mistakes’ sheet.

Atmospheric Perspective Tree Demonstration

Example tree Painting Practice and Tips

Good quality tree practice examples

Good quality tree practice examples

Common mistakes sheet

Common mistakes sheet

Homework: Students again watch the ‘Atmospheric Perspective Tree Demonstration’ video and then paint the second tree practice painting. The two tree practice paintings should be stuck in the sketchbook and students must write an evaluation of each painting explaining what techniques they used, went went well, and what improvements could to be made. See a good quality sketchbook example below.

Tree practice work and evaluations sketchbook page

Tree practice work and evaluations sketchbook page

Lesson 5

Classwork : Students watch the ‘Final Clouds Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting’ video below, and then draw out the four mountains onto watercolour paper.

After this student need to paint the clouds. Don’t forget to practice the clouds one last time as you only get one chance to get it right on the watercolour paper.

Final Clouds Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting

Homework: Complete the classwork.

Lesson 6

Classwork : Students watch the ‘Hills Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting’ video below. They should now paint the four hills showing how they get increasing lighter in the distance. Don’t forget to test the paint tones on scrap paper as you only get one chance to get it right on the watercolour paper.

Hills Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting

Homework : Students complete painting the four hills showing how they get increasing lighter in the distance.

Lesson 7

Classwork : Students watch the ‘Final Trees Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting’ video below. They should now plan where to put the three trees and draw them out accurately, showing how they get increasing smaller in the distance.

Final Trees Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting

Homework : Students can either start by painting the largest tree or the two smaller tree. Don’t forget to again practice the fine branches on scrap paper as you only get one chance to get it right on the watercolour paper.

Lesson 8

Classwork : Students complete the three trees and start the extension homework explained below. Please click on the examples of final paintings below to bring up the extension work guidance document.

Homework: Complete and improve the Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting. Students must complete the extension work below.